

What is love?
I really would like to know.
Is love being selfish or selfless,
is love searching for something you can’t find in yourself, 
is love not knowing or knowing,
is love trying to find yourself in someone else or finding everything else in someone else, 
is love giving up parts of you to find new ones, 
is love fighting for the future or is love easy?
I really would like to know.

What do I feel?
Do I not feel myself or am I becoming a better me? 
Is love supposed to change you, are you supposed to change someone for your love, 
is love supposed to hurt, are you supposed to question love, 
is love supposed to be work, are you supposed to accept love, 
is love a clear future, 
are you supposed to seek a story worth telling or are you supposed to find love in the detail? 
Isn’t love everything?
I think I know. 


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