
Life through others

Laughing with friends.Catching someone looking at you.Watching this weird quiz show that your parents love. I saw this movie scene where a woman talks about the reason, we get married.It´s not only the love for the other person, but that someone sees you living life.That someone accompanies you through life.Because the joys we feel with […]

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Our own time

The problem with societal crisis is that we do not live in societal times.We live in our own.It’s not the 73rd year of doing nothing about climate change,it’s my 23rd year of finally earningenough money to buy myself something nice.I don’t get up in the morning and think to myself,what did the government achieve in

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Us and society

I feel like life gets in the way of us. Maybe life even keeps us away from tending to our society. Funny thing to see society and life as separate.  Aren’t we continuously part of society? It doesn’t feel like that, at least not for me, at least not all the time. Society is that

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Hallo, What is love?I really would like to know.Is love being selfish or selfless,is love searching for something you can’t find in yourself, is love not knowing or knowing,is love trying to find yourself in someone else or finding everything else in someone else, is love giving up parts of you to find new ones, is love fighting

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Die Staffelei der Welt

Hallo, Das Ziel der Naturwissenschaften scheint die Erschaffung eines Renaissance Gemäldes der Welt zu sein. Die Welt in ihrer Vergangenheit, ihrer Gegenwart und ihrer Zukunft einzufangen. Die pulsierendsten Farben mit der komplexesten Konstellation und doch einer Gemeinsamkeit und Stimmigkeit abzubilden. Literatur wird als nebensächlich abgeschrieben. Sie komprimiert, fängt lediglich die Essenz und nicht das Bild ein.Doch

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Hallo, I truly try to be this light breath of feathersthat glides through life simply enjoying it.But honestly, I don’t think I´ll ever be.I am chaos, I am calm, I am everything in between.I have ambitions and no resilience to reach them.I have feelings that I don’t understandand that hit me to ground.I have love,

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